朱雁丞 Yen-Cheng Chu

I am passionate about intergrating technology into life, making side projects, or hacking my own life. Making things that don't move come to life is interesting, and making them move beautifully is romantic. My research areas include control systems and nonlinear systems. Occasionally, I work on embedded systems, design circuit boards, or write web pages.


  • Experience in Hybrid simulation (MATLAB Simulink)
  • PX4 on Nuttx RTOS system (6-DoF controller and control allocation)
  • Software-in-the-loop simulation (Gazebo)
  • Flight Data Analysis (Rviz, ulog, rosbag)
  • MCU development for 10 years (Atmega, STM32, ESP32, etc.)
  • ROS1 Noetic and ROS2 Humble
  • Being familier with version control software (Git)
  • PCB layout (for Avionics)


  • C/C++

  • C#

  • Javascript

  • Python

  • Matlab

  • Latex

    Software Experience

  • Solidworks

  • PlatformIO

  • Altium

  • Git

  • AutoCAD

  • Unity

    Hardware Experience

  • Stm32

  • ESP32

  • Raspberry Pi

  • Jetson TX2

  • Arduino

    Web Programming

  • nodejs (express)

  • Jekyll

  • Three.js

  • jQuery

    Large Project Development

  • PX4

    • UAV
    • Drone
    • Quadcopter
    • VTOL
  • Ardupilot


  • ROS (rospy / roscpp)

  • Gazebo Ignition (gz sim)

  • Rviz

  • urdf / xacro / sdf

Research Interests

Keywords: Robotics, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Control Systems, Embedded Systems.
  • Vehicle dynamics on SE(3), including modeling and 6-DoF controls.
  • Designing controller for under-actuated / over-actuated system
  • Designing control allocation algorithm

Master's Degree Research

Title: An Over-Actuated Thrust-Vectoring Modular Drone based on Cascaded Full-Pose Tracking Control with Redistributed Control Allocation for Safe Aerial Delivery Applications


In this research, a Thrust-Vectoring Modular Drone (TVMD) with coaxial rotors is proposed to address delivery challenges, such as the last-mile delivery for e-commerce services and transporting time-sensitive packages to outlying islands and mountain areas, especially when natural disasters or accidents occur. The TVMD is designed with high redundancy, controllability, and reconfigurability to ensure safety, flight efficiency, mobility, and maneuverability. The modular design of the drone enables optimal task performance by changing the type and number of agents.


